Saturday, August 16, 2008

Bush to Putin: Only I Can Do That!

As the premier monster on the planet, George W. Bush had the unmitigated hypocritical gall to tell Putin that "bullying and intimidation" were not acceptable ways of doing foreign policy. Nevermind that is exactly how he has conducted foreign policy for almost eight years and continues to do so today.

Representing this deeply evil administration, Sleazy Rice was pushed forward to condemn and threaten the Russians for invading Georgia, a sovereign nation. Would that these monsters were so concerned for the national sovereignty of Afghanistan and Iraq which they invaded and for Iran and others which they have threatened to invade and/or bomb into oblivion. Deeply evil hypocritical monsters they are.

One can only marvel, too, at the complete lack of interest shown by almost all media in pointing out the immense hypocrisy and evil of this American junta.

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